10 essential facts about the America’s Cup
The America’s Cup lands in Barcelona in the summer of 2024 to once again attract everyone’s attention to the city.
The America’s Cup lands in Barcelona in the summer of 2024 to once again attract everyone’s attention to the city.
On September 11, the National Day of Catalonia is celebrated. The reason for this celebration is often simplified by saying that Catalans celebrate a defeat but, in reality, what we do is commemorate the day when, after 14 months of siege, was made a point and followed in a story …
Even thought it is a working day, April 23, Sant Jordi’s Day is, without a doubt, the most popular festival of all those we find on the calendar of Catalonia. But who was Sant Jordi? Sant Jordi, San Jorge, Saint Georges, San Giorgo… call him what you want. He is …
In this strange year we are living, the Castanyada (Chestnut party) 2020 is presented as a slightly different celebration. However, to the memory of those who have left us, we will add, as always, a touch of sweetness and color to All Saints’ Day by eating chestnuts, panellets and sweet …
La Mercè, la patrona de Barcelona. L’estiu de 1687 Catalunya estava envaïda per una plaga de llagostes que arrasaven els camps i destrossaven collites. Des del camp la plaga s’anava acostant a les ciutats fins que va envair-les. Tots els esforços humans per aturar-les eren inútils, així que aviat es …
Alabaster or light stone is a translucent stone. The name comes from the ancient Greek and means “stone without handles”, referring to small bottles of perfume of antiquity, as they were small didn’t need handles and were made of this material. A stone that lets in light It was in …